Workflow Steps for Exterior 3D Render at Architectural Services Firms

Fabian Medhurst


Fabian Medhurst


Sep 28, 2023


Sep 28, 2023

Workflow Steps for Exterior 3D Render at Architectural Services Firms
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In dynamic architectural design and visualization, exterior design 3D rendering has become essential for interior designers to firm offering architectural services. By harnessing the power of rendering, these firms can bring architectural concepts to life through visually stunning representations. This article explores the detailed process of working with exterior rendering, highlights the range of rendering services available, and discusses its numerous advantages for architectural tasks.

Exterior render is a valuable process used to create incredibly detailed and lifelike images of architectural projects. It serves as a visual representation that accurately depicts how a project will look once finished, giving clients and stakeholders an excellent real life preview. This advanced technology has revolutionized how architectural services firms present their designs, offering unparalleled clarity and realism.

Types of Exterior Rendering Services

Architectural services firms provide various exterior rendering services to meet different project needs. These services include:

Still 3D Renders

Still 3D Renders
Image Source: Pexels

While 3D renders offer a detailed and realistic look at the exterior rendering of a building or structure, it's important to note that they are static images. These re­nders allow clients to visualize the outcome by providing different angles of the project.

3D renders continue to be valuable assets in marketing and presentation materials. They serve as compelling visuals in brochures, websites, and promotional materials for architectural firms. These renders offer potential inve­stors, potential buyers, or clients a realistic pre­view of the project's final appearance through its exterior design rendering, helping them envision the eye catching outcome and make well-informed decisions with photorealistic image.

3D Exterior Animation

3D Exterior Animation
Image Source: Unsplash

To create a more immersive experience, architectural firms utilize 3D exterior animations. These dynamic presentations break life into architectural designs, enabling viewers to explore the project from different angles and perspectives.

3D exterior animations have practical value for project development. They provide architects with a visual representation of how different spaces in the design flow together and how natural light interacts with the structure. This valuable insight allows for refinements and improvements before construction begins, saving time and resources.

The Different Lighting Situations

In addition to its visual representation, exterior rendering provides the flexibility to simulate various lighting conditions. Customers can use it to see how their project will appear in various lighting scenarios, such as day, dusk, or night.

The chance to see how a building appears when the sky is clouded over or overcast is scarce. The exterior's shades, shadows, and atmosphere are affected in these circumstances. With the help of this lighting configuration, architects can evaluate how well their creations maintain their aesthetic appeal in diffused light.

Exterior Visualization Project Workflow

Brief Project Submission

The exterior rendering or visualization project starts with the client submitting a brief outlining the construction site and their architectural needs. In this submission, clients provide information about the existing space, project specifics, and any other relevant data they can provide.

The project details for this phase are carefully documented, providing the exterior rendering team with a comprehensive understanding of the client's idea and expectations. It includes information about the current space or site, architectural drawings, and reference materials such as sketches or design concepts.

Architectural Drawings

Architectural Drawings
Image Source: Pexels

Construction companies receive architectural drawings and project development plans from builders. These drawings are the crucial link between the client's vision and the 3D exterior rendering of the digital world. They provide the renderer with basic information about the industrial buildings, shopping malls and their design, proportions, materials, and desired aesthetics. It is critical to accurately interpret these drawings to create a 3D exterior rendering that meets the client's experience and design goals.


The design team starts by creating preliminary sketches based on the project brief. These sketches give a rough idea of how the final project of 3d house might look.

The design platoon starts by creating primary sketches grounded on the design detail. These sketches give a rough idea of how the final design might look. Sketches play a pivotal part in the process of creating surface 3D definitions. They serve as a cre­ative and abstract tool that helps connect architectural delineations to the final 3D exterior rendering images. Sketches are essential for imaging design ideas, refining details, and furnishing clear cultural guidance to the picture artists.

Clay Render

Clay Render
Image Source: Unsplash

The clay render is an essential initial step in creating a 3D exterior rendering model for a project. It helps establish the foundational structure and form. This visual representation is a significant milestone in the process of 3D exterior rendering, bridging the­ gap between the preliminary 3D model and the final photorealistic rendering. The term "clay render" derives from its appearance, resembling a simplified, monochromatic clay sculpture or model.

Color Proof 1

When bringing the 3D model to life, the design team carefully adds color and texture. Color Proof 1, or CP1, marks a crucial milestone in creating realistic 3D exterior rendering. It represents transitioning from basic representations like clay renders to more precise and lifelike visuals. At this stage, CP1 introduces colors and materials to the 3D model, enabling stakeholders to assess and enhance the building's visual elements.

Final Render

The final render is produced once the­ client approves the­ initial color proof. This comprehensive and de­tailed stage of the 3D rendering services includes all necessary elements and carefully crafte­d photorealistic aspects. The "Final Re­nder" represents a visually striking and true-to-life visualization of an architectural project's exterior, showcasing its full glory. At this stage, every element, material, lighting, and environmental factor are­ meticulously fine-tuned to cre­ate a stunning represe­ntation that accurately captures the e­ssence of the building.

Advantages of Exterior 3D Rendering

3D exterior rendering services offer several advantages to architectural services firms and their clients:

Realism and Immersion

Renders provide a realistic and immersive experience, allowing a client to envision the final project as if it already exists. Realism and immersion are fundamental advantages of exterior rendering in architectural projects. These aspects contribute significantly to the effectiveness and impact of architectural visualization.

Cost and Time Savings

Cost and Time Savings
Image Source: Pexels

3D exterior rendering reduces the need for physical models and costly revisions, saving time and money. Cost and time savings are significant advantages of 3D exterior rendering in architectural projects. These advantages have a substantial impact on project efficiency and financial management.

Design Iterations

Creating multiple design iterations enables architects to fine-tune their concepts and meet client' expectations. Design iterations are fundamental to architecture projects, and exterior rendering is pivotal in enhancing this iterative process.

Just a Few Examples of Future Trends in Exterior Rendering

The world of 3D rendering is continually evolving, driven by technological advancements and architectural style trends. Here are a few examples of future trends in 3D rendering that are poised to shape the industry:

Virtual Reality (VR) Integration: The integration of VR technology into exterior renderings is on the horizon. This trend will enable a client and stakeholder to immerse themselves in the architectural design detail, allowing for virtual walkthroughs of the exterior spaces. This level of interactivity enhances the understanding and engagement of the design.

Image Source: parametric-architecture

Augmented Reality (AR) Overlays: AR overlays will become increasingly prevalent in exterior renderings. These overlays will provide real-time information about the environment, such as weather conditions, traffic patterns, and even the sun's position throughout the day. Architects and clients can use this data to make informed decisions about design and functionality.

Environmental Simulation: With a growing emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendly design, exterior renderings will incorporate environmental simulations. It includes demonstrating how the building interacts with its surroundings, such as sunlight exposure, wind patterns, and energy efficiency. It allows architects to optimize designs for minimal environmental impact.

Smart Building Integration: As smart building technology becomes more widespread, exterior visualization and rendering will depict how these technologies are seamlessly integrated into the architecture. It includes showcasing features like IoT-connected devices, energy management systems, and automation solutions.

Real-Time Collaboration: The future of exterior visualization and rendering will involve real-time collaboration between architects, clients, and other stakeholders to improve communication. Cloud-based rendering platforms will enable multiple parties to view and provide input on the exterior design simultaneously, fostering efficient decision-making and reducing project timelines.

Real-Time Collaboration
Image Source: Pexels

Hyper-Realistic Textures: Advancements in rendering software will enable the creation of hyper-realistic textures for exterior surfaces. This level of detail will make rendered images nearly indistinguishable from photographs, providing unparalleled realism.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Lighting: AI algorithms optimize exterior lighting design details. AI can analyze factors like natural light, time of day, and the residential building's orientation to adjust lighting schemes dynamically, improving energy efficiency and aesthetics.

3D Exterior Visualization Services at Danthree Studio: From Fundamental To Awe-Inspiring

3D Exterior Visualization Services
Image Source: Pexels

Danthree Studio specializes in providing comprehensive 3D exterior visualization services according to all your needs. From fundamental quality rendering details to awe-inspiring animations, their dedicated team brings architecture projects to life through 3d exterior rendering services. With extra attention to detail, they ensure that every project satisfies the highest quality standards in a reasonable turnaround time.

Why Danthree Studio is the Best Rendering Company to Handle Your Exterior 3D Models

Danthree Studio's commitment to excellence, quick turnaround times, and ability to provide feedback-driven renders make them the ideal choice for your next building project. Their expertise in exterior rendering task guarantees a final product that exceeds your expectations.


Exterior rendering has become essential to 3d rendering services firms' workflows, offering a powerful way to visualize and present architectural visualization projects. Its advantages in terms of realism, cost savings, and exterior design iterations make it an indispensable tool in architecture.

From the initial project submission to the final render, the workflow for the 3D render task encompasses several crucial stages. These stages involve a project brief on residential or commercial architectural drawings, sketches, clay renders, color proofs, and the ultimate creation of the final render quality. Each step contributes to developing a comprehensive and realistic depiction of the architectural project.


What is the main objective of 3D rendering?

3D rendering aims to provide a feedback-driven, realistic visual representation of architecture projects to help a client, real estate developers, and stakeholders better understand the design with a detailed brief.

How can 3D exterior rendering services benefit real estate professionals?

Real estate professionals can use exterior renders to market and effectively deliver residential or commercial properties, showcasing them in their best light quality with extra details.

What software is commonly used in the house rendering process?

Software, for example, V Ray, Corona Renderer, and Autodesk Revit, is commonly used to create precise and photorealistic images and renders needed in the exterior rendering process.

How do exterior rendering services account for weather conditions?

Rendering services can simulate various climate conditions to show how a building's appearance may change under different circumstances, for example, rain or snow, to make necessary adjustments.

What role does the surrounding environment play in exterior render?

The surrounding environment, including landscaping and neighboring structures, is meticulously recreated in exterior 3D renders to provide a complete and realistic visual representation of the project's short brief.

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