12 Best FREE CAD Software & Programs for Windows/Mac 2023

Jaiden Quitzon


Jaiden Quitzon


Oct 1, 2023


Oct 1, 2023

12 Best FREE CAD Software & Programs for Windows/Mac 2023
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CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software plays a crucial role in various industries, including architecture, engineering, manufacturing, and product design. These tools facilitate users to produce complex 2D and 3D models, visualize designs, and simulate real-world scenarios. While many paid CAD software options are available, this article discusses the 12 best free CAD software and programs for Windows and Mac in 2023. These free tools deliver robust components and functionalities without the cost.

Why do You Need 3D CAD Software?

3D CAD Software
Image Source: Unsplash

3D CAD software offers multiple advantages in different industries and design disciplines. Here are some causes why you must use the best free CAD software:

Visualization and Communication

Visualization CAD Software
Image Source: Pexels

3D CAD 3d rendering software for architecture and modeling allows you to produce realistic 3D models of your designs, allowing fine 3D visualization of the final product or project. It helps you communicate your ideas more effectively to clients, stakeholders, and team members, as they can better understand and visualize the design before it is built.

Design Iteration and Modification

Design Iteration
Image Source: Pixabay

You can easily modify and iterate designs with the best free CAD software. Changing a 3D model is quicker and more efficient than manually modifying physical prototypes or 2D drawings. This skill in design iteration allows quicker development cycles, decreases mistakes, and enhances general design quality.

Design Validation and Analysis

Design Analysis
Image Source: Pixabay

3D CAD software usually contains simulation and analysis mechanisms to assess your designs' interpretation, potency, and functionality. You can simulate real-world circumstances, test for structural integrity, investigate fluid flow, and execute other engineering calculations to confirm your design fulfills the needed benchmarks and specifications.

Improved Collaboration

CAD Software Collaboration
Image Source: Unsplash

Free CAD software encourages cooperation among design teams, engineers, and stakeholders. It authorizes different users to work on the same design simultaneously, view and comment on the model, and track changes made by different team members. This collaborative environment streamlines the design process, enhances teamwork, and reduces miscommunication.

Design Documentation

Design Documentation
Image Source: Pexels

3D software generates accurate and detailed documentation automatically. You can easily generate 2D drawings, technical specifications, bill of materials (BOM), and assembly instructions directly from the 3D model. It simplifies the documentation process, reduces errors, and ensures consistency throughout the design and manufacturing phases.

Manufacturing and Prototyping

Image Source: Pixabay

3D software integrates with computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) and 3D printing technologies, allowing you to translate your designs into physical prototypes or manufacturing instructions directly. This seamless evolution from design to presentation decreases lead times, reduces errors, and optimizes production procedures.

Cost and Time Savings

CAD Software Saves Time
Image Source: Unsplash

Employing 3D rendering software can save considerable expenses and span. You can minimize design iterations, material waste, and production delays by simplifying the design cycle, decreasing errors, and enhancing collaboration. It leads to overall cost reduction and faster time-to-market for your products or projects.

Simulation and Analysis

With software, you can simulate real-world conditions, conduct stress and load investigations, and test the interpretation of your designs before manufacturing.

How to Choose the Best Free CAD Software?

Choosing the best free CAD software requires thoroughly considering different aspects to fulfill your distinctive requirements. One must consider the below-mentioned important factors:

Functionality and Features: The software's features and functionality must be evaluated. Check if it delivers the essential tools and capacities for your design jobs. Consider components such as 3D modeling, drafting, rendering, simulation, and analysis tools that align with your design needs.

CAD Software Features
Image Source: Pexels

User-Friendliness Assessment: Assess the user interface and usability of the CAD software. Seek software that is intuitive and easy to manage, requiring less training. A well-designed interface and simplified workflow can significantly improve productivity and efficiency in your design tasks.

Compatibility: Check the compatibility of the software with your operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) and the file formats you typically use. Ensure that it supports the import and export of common file formats, such as DWG, DXF, STL, STEP, and IGES, to ensure seamless collaboration with other software and stakeholders.

Community and Support: Consider the size and activity of the software's user community. A large user community indicates a thriving software ecosystem with ample resources, tutorials, forums, and user-generated content. Additionally, check if the software has good technical support channels, such as documentation, user forums, or dedicated support teams.

CAD Software Functionality
Image Source: Pixabay

Updates and Development: Look for actively developed and regularly updated software. Ongoing development ensures bug fixes, performance improvements, and the addition of new features. Check the software's release notes and update history to gauge its development activity.

Reviews and Reputation: Read reviews and feedback from other users and industry professionals to get insights into the software's performance, stability, and reliability. Consider the reputation of the software developer or company to ensure a trustworthy and reputable software solution.

Licensing and Terms of Use: Understand the licensing terms and conditions of the free CAD software. Some software may be free for personal use but have limitations on commercial usage or require a paid version for advanced features. Ensure the licensing terms align with your intended use and comply with any legal or organizational requirements.

CAD Software Development
Image Source: Autodesk

Scalability and Future Needs: Consider your future needs and growth potential. Evaluate whether the software can scale with your evolving requirements and accommodate larger, more complex design projects. Choosing software that offers upgrade paths or paid versions with enhanced capabilities is beneficial if you anticipate expanding your design work.

Recommendations and Trials: Seek peers, colleagues, or industry professionals with software experience recommendations. Additionally, take advantage of free trial or demo versions offered by software developers to test the software's functionality, features, and compatibility with your workflow before committing to it.

12 Best Free CAD Software 2023

The computer-aided design (CAD) world offers several free software options. These tools allow users to create, modify, and analyze 2D and 3D models. This article presents the best free CAD software options 2023, highlighting their key features, cost, and other significant aspects to evaluate when choosing the right software for your needs.

Fusion 360

Autodesk Fusion 360 Logo

Fusion 360 is a powerful software offering many features and capabilities for professional and personal use. Its integration of design, simulation, advanced tools for manufacturing, and cloud-based collaboration sets it apart as a comprehensive solution for product development projects.

Key Features:

  • Parametric 3D Modeling
  • Sheet Metal Design
  • Simulation and Analysis
  • CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) Integration
  • Collaboration and Cloud-Based Storage

Cost and Licensing:

Fusion 360 offers a free trial version for personal, non-commercial use. It provides access to most software features but may have cloud storage and usage limitations. Commercial licenses are available for businesses and professionals with additional capabilities and support.

Fusion 360 Framework
Image Source: Fusion 360

Other Factors:

Integrated Design and Manufacturing: Fusion 360 combines design and manufacturing capabilities, allowing users to seamlessly transition from modeling to generating toolpaths for CNC machines or 3D printers.

Cloud-Based Collaboration: Fusion 360's cloud-based platform enables real-time cooperation, letting teams work together on projects regardless of their physical locations.

Holistic Product Development: Fusion 360 offers a comprehensive set of advanced tools for product animation and development, including design, simulation, documentation, and manufacturing, making it suitable for end-to-end product development processes.

Educational Resources: Autodesk provides extensive learning resources, tutorials, and a helping community to help users learn and master Fusion 360.


FreeCAD Logo

FreeCAD is a powerful and free CAD software that offers a wide range of CAD features for 3D modeling, parametric design, and simulation. It is appropriate for nonprofessionals and experts in various industries.

Key Features:

  • Parametric 3D Modeling
  • Extensible Architecture
  • Multiple Workbenches
  • Cross-Platform Support
  • Community Support

Cost and Licensing:

FreeCAD is open-source free trial software released under the LGPL (Lesser General Public License), which means it is free to operate, adjust, and distribute.

FreeCAD Framework
Image Source: FreeCAD

Other Factors:

Learning Curve: FreeCAD has a learning curve, especially for users new to parametric modeling. However, active community support and available tutorials can help users overcome this challenge.

Design Complexity: FreeCAD is suitable for simple and complex designs, making it a versatile option for many projects.

Industry Compatibility: FreeCAD is widely used in engineering design, architecture visualization, product design, and more, making it suitable for professional applications.

SketchUp Free

SketchUp Logo

SketchUp Free is a popular choice for 3D modeling, especially for architectural and design projects. Its intuitive interface, collaboration features, and access to the SketchUp 3D Warehouse make it suitable for individual users and small design teams. While the free version offers robust features, the paid SketchUp Pro version provides additional capabilities for professional use.

Key Features:

  • 3D modeling
  • SketchUp Warehouse
  • Collaboration and Sharing
  • Export and Import
  • Parametric Model History

Cost and Licensing:

SketchUp Free is available for a free trial and can be downloaded instantly through a web browser without any software installation. However, it also offers SketchUp Pro, a paid version with advanced features, commercial use, and professional support.

SketchUp Framework
Image Source: SketchUp

Other Factors:

User-Friendly Interface: SketchUp Free is known for its user-friendly interface, making it accessible to beginners and casual users without CAD experience.

3D Modeling Focus: While SketchUp Free offers basic 2D drafting capabilities, its primary strength lies in 3D modeling. It is well-suited for architectural, interior design, lighting effects, and product design projects.

Plugin Ecosystem: SketchUp has an extensive plugin ecosystem, letting users improve the modeling and animation software's functionality and get further tools and features generated by third-party developers.

Community and Learning Resources: SketchUp has a considerable user community that actively shares tutorials, tips, and resources, making it easy for beginners to discover and improve their talents.


Onshape Logo

Onshape is a trendy and cooperative design software that delivers the ease of cloud-based design and real-time cooperation. Its platform independence, mobile compatibility, and robust feature set make it a popular choice for teams and individuals seeking a flexible and collaborative CAD solution for design tasks as a SketchUp alternative.

Key Features:

  • Cloud-Based CAD
  • Parametric Modeling
  • Collaboration and Version Control
  • Mobile Compatibility
  • Simultaneous Editing

Cost and Licensing:

Onshape offers a free trial plan for individuals and small teams, which includes limited storage and features. Paid plans are available for additional storage, advanced features, and larger teams.

Onshape Framework
Image Surce: Onshape

Other Factors:

Platform Independence: Onshape's cloud-based nature makes it platform-independent, as it can be accessed from any device's web browser, regardless of the operating system.

Data Security: Onshape ensures data security by storing designs and project files in the cloud, reducing data or hardware failure hazards.

Seamless Collaboration: The real-time collaboration features of Onshape make it easy for team members, clients, and stakeholders to review and provide feedback on designs, streamlining the design review process.

Built-in Analytics: Onshape includes built-in analytics tools that provide insights into design performance, enabling users to optimize their designs for better efficiency and performance.


Autodesk TinkerCAD Logo

TinkerCAD is a beginner-friendly, browser-based design software widely acknowledged for its clarity and ease of use. It is particularly suitable for educational purposes and for individuals new to CAD design.

Key Features:

  • Easy-to-Use Interface
  • Browser-Based
  • 3D Design and Modeling
  • Integration with 3D printing
  • Community and Learning Resources

Cost and Licensing:

TinkerCAD offers a free trial version with access to basic features. It also provides a premium subscription called Tinkercad for Education, which offers additional functionality and collaboration features for educators and students.

TinkerCAD Framework
Image Source: TinkerCAD

Other Factors:

Accessibility: TinkerCAD's browser-based platform allows users to access and work on their designs from any device with the internet, making it suitable and convenient.

Educational Focus: TinkerCAD is widely used in educational settings, providing a user-friendly environment for students and educators to learn and experiment with 3D design and printing.

Creative Projects: TinkerCAD is suitable for creating basic shapes and designs, making it ideal for creative projects, hobbyists, and beginners in 3D modelization.


DraftSight Logo

DraftSight is a powerful 2D design software with a familiar interface, DWG file compatibility, and various productivity tools. Its availability on multiple platforms and an active user community support it as a powerful table editor for individuals and small to medium-sized businesses needing efficient 2D drafting capabilities.

Key Features:

  • 2D CAD Design
  • Familiar Interface
  • DWG File Compatibility
  • Productivity Tools
  • API and Add-ons

Cost and Licensing:

DraftSight offers a free trial version that provides essential 2D drafting capabilities. It also offers paid versions, including DraftSight Professional and DraftSight Enterprise, which offer additional features, technical support, and licensing options for larger teams or organizations.

DraftSight Framework
Image Source: DraftSight

Other Factors:

Cross-Platform Compatibility: DraftSight is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems, providing flexibility and compatibility across different platforms.

Community Support: DraftSight has an active community of users where users can find resources and tutorials, and engage in discussions, helping new users get started and troubleshoot issues.

2D Design Focus: As a 2D CAD software, DraftSight may not be suitable for users who require advanced 3D modeling and design capabilities.

Industry Adoption: DraftSight is widely used in industries that heavily rely on 2D draftings, such as architecture, engineering, and construction, making it a popular choice among professionals in these fields.


LibreCAD Logo

LibreCAD is a capable 2D professional software with essential drafting tools and functionality. Its open-source nature, cross-platform compatibility, and open file formats compatibility make it a versatile choice for users looking for a free CAD solution. It is particularly suitable for users who require precise 2D drawings, mesh modeling, and technical documentation without the need for complex 3D modeling features.

Key Features:

  • 2D drafting
  • Layer Management
  • Measurement and Dimensioning
  • File Compatibility
  • Customization and Extensions

Cost and Licensing:

LibreCAD is an open-source, free trial software released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It is free and can be accessed and used without licensing fees.

LibreCAD Framework
Image Source: LibreCAD

Other Factors:

Cross-Platform Compatibility: LibreCAD is compatible with multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it accessible to many users.

Community Support: As open-source software, LibreCAD benefits from an enthusiastic community of designers who provide support, share resources, and contribute to its improvement.

Lightweight and Resource-Friendly: LibreCAD is known for its lightweight nature, making it suitable for older computers or systems with limited hardware resources. It can run efficiently even on lower-end machines.

Learning Curve: While LibreCAD offers a range of features for 2D drafting, it may have a steeper learning curve than some free CAD programs. The module­ allows users to analyze and simulate the­ performance of industrial robots in differe­nt scenarios. It provides valuable insights that he­lp evaluate robot impleme­ntation with ease.


OpenSCAD Logo

OpenSCAD is a unique CAD tools software that appeals to users who prefer a text-based approach to 3D modeling. Its focus on modeling and scripting provides great flexibility and control over modular architecture designs. Its free tier and open-source nature offer a cost-effective solution for those seeking precise and customizable direct modeling and advanced 3D rendering services. While its text-based interface may require some learning curve for beginners, OpenSCAD is a top CAD software that provides a powerful free trial toolset for creating complex models and encourages code reuse and collaboration within its active user community.

Key Features:

  • Parametric Modeling
  • Text-based Modeling
  • Design Customization
  • 3D Model Preview
  • Boolean Operations and 3D Transformations
  • Compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux

Cost and Licensing:

OpenSCAD is a free trial and open-source CAD software known under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Users can download and use, modify, and distribute its free version.

OpenSCAD Framework
Image Source: OpenSCAD

Other Factors:

Code Reusability: OpenSCAD promotes code reusability, as users can create modules and functions to encapsulate frequently used design elements or procedures. These reusable components can be easily integrated into different projects, saving time and effort.

Geometry Precision: OpenSCAD uses constructive solid geometry (CSG) techniques, which ensure precise and accurate geometric calculations. It makes it suitable for technical and engineering CAD applications that require high precision and dimensional accuracy.

Community and Resources: OpenSCAD benefits from an active and supportive community of users who share their knowledge, designs, and scripts. Users can access forums, wikis, and online resources to seek help, find inspiration, and learn more about the software.

Platform Compatibility: OpenSCAD is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it accessible to users on different platforms.


SolveSpace Logo

SolveSpace offers a powerful yet user-friendly CAD program emphasizing modeling, sketch-based design, and assembly capabilities. Its ability to handle 2D drafting, direct modeling, and advanced modeling within a lightweight, cross-platform environment makes it suitable for various design applications.

Key Features:

  • Parametric Modeling
  • Sketch-Based Design
  • Constraints and Dimensions
  • Assembly Modeling
  • 2D drafting
  • Simulation and Analysis

Cost and Licensing:

SolveSpace is a free version of software distributed under the GPLv3 license. It can be downloaded, used, modified, and shared without cost or restrictions.

SolveSpace Framework
Image Source: SolveSpace

Other Factors:

Lightweight and Cross-Platform: SolveSpace is designed to be lightweight and fast, making it suitable for users with older or less powerful hardware. It is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux, providing flexibility regarding platform choice.

User-Friendly Interface: SolveSpace features a clean and intuitive interface, making it accessible to beginners and experienced users. Its straightforward workflow and consistent toolset allow for efficient design creation and modification.

Extensive Documentation: SolveSpace provides comprehensive documentation, including tutorials, guides, and a user manual. These resources help users get started, learn advanced techniques, and maximize the software's capabilities.

Active User Community: SolveSpace benefits from an active user community that contributes to its development, shares designs, and provides support. Users can participate in forums and discussions to exchange ideas, seek assistance, and showcase their projects.



QCAD is a reliable 2D CAD program to create technical drawings and designs. Its extensive tools, layer management capabilities, cam capabilities, and file formats compatibility make it suitable for drafting and documentation tasks. The availability of free and paid editions makes it accessible to users with different requirements and budgets.

Key Features:

  • 2D Drafting and Design
  • Layer Management
  • Dimensioning and Measurement
  • Block Library
  • File Formats Compatibility
  • Compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux

Cost and Licensing:

QCAD offers a free version (Community Edition) and a paid Professional version. The Community Edition is free for private and retail objectives, while the Professional Edition provides additional features and technical support at a cost for advanced CAD users.

QCAD Framework
Image Source: QCAD

Other Factors:

Cross-Platform Compatibility: QCAD is compatible with multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, providing flexibility and accessibility across different platforms.

User-Friendly Interface: QCAD features an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it suitable for beginners and experienced CAD program users. Its straightforward navigation and menu structure contribute to a smoother workflow.

Extensibility: QCAD offers an application programming interface (API) that allows users to extend the software's functionality and customize it according to their needs. It enables the creation of plugins and the automation of certain tasks.

Community Support: QCAD benefits from an active user-dedicated community that provides support, tutorials, and resources. Users can participate in forums and discussions to seek assistance and share knowledge.

Autodesk AutoCAD

Autodesk AutoCAD Logo

Autodesk AutoCAD is a wide­ly recognized and renowne­d CAD software that excels in CAD de­sign modeling. Of its impressive range­ of CAD software, Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional (Robot) holds a spe­cial place. While it was primarily designe­d for structural analysis and simulation of building structures, Robot also features a module­ dedicated to robot simulation and analysis, adding further ve­rsatility to its already exceptional capabilitie­s.

This module enables users to simulate and analyze the behavior of industrial robots in various scenarios and evaluate their implementation. The software provides comprehensive tools and features for creating detailed 2D and 3D designs, allowing users to model, simulate, and analyze robot movements, interactions, and tasks.

Here are some key features and characteristics to consider:

Key Features:

  • 2D Drafting
  • 3D Modeling and Visualization
  • Collaboration and Integration
  • Customization and Automation
  • Easy-to-use user interface

Cost and Licensing:

The comme­rcial software product AutoCAD comes in differe­nt subscription plans and licensing options, which determine­ its pricing. Autodesk offers different plans, including monthly, annual, and multi-year subscriptions. Educational licenses are obtainable for researchers and teachers at discounted rates.

AutoCAD Framework
Image Source: Autodesk

Other Factors:

Learning Curve: AutoCAD is a professional CAD program with a steep learning curve for beginners to design real-life objects. However, Autodesk provides comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and online resources to support designers and mechanical engineer professionals in learning and mastering the software.

Industry Standard: AutoCAD is widely used in various industries, including architecture, engineering, and construction. Being proficient in AutoCAD can be beneficial for career prospects and collaboration with other professionals in the industry.

Hardware Requirements: AutoCAD is a resource-intensive software requiring a capable computer system to run smoothly. Check the system requirements and ensure your hardware meets the specifications.


nanoCAD Logo

nanoCAD is a free CAD software (community edition) offering various 2D design and drafting tools for design models. Here are some key features and factors to consider:

Key Features:

  • 2D Design and Drafting
  • User-friendly Interface
  • Customization and APIs
  • Collaboration
  • Easy User Interface
  • Compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux

Cost and Licensing:

nanoCAD offers a free version with limited functionality and paid versions with additional features and commercial use licenses. The pricing for the paid versions varies based on the subscription plan and the licenses required.

nanoCAD Framework
Image Source: nanoCAD

Other Factors:

Functionality: While nanoCAD provides a range of tools for experienced CAD user, it may have limitations compared to more advanced and professional CAD software. It can be a free alternative to AutoCAD. Consider your specific design models requirements and ensure that nanoCAD meets your needs.

Support and Updates: As a top free CAD software, support and updates may be limited compared to commercial software. It's important to check the available support channels, user forums, and the frequency of updates provided by the software developers.

Learning Resources: nanoCAD offers tutorials and documentation to support professional designers in effective learning and using the software. Utilize these resources to enlighten yourself regarding the software's features and capabilities.

When choosing the best CAD software, evaluating your design requirements, budget, and learning curve is important. Consider the features, compatibility with other professional software runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux, customer support, and other important factors before deciding.


Choosing the right CAD software depends on your specific requirements, such as the complexity of your designs, preferred modeling approach, and available resources. The free drafting software options mentioned above offer a range of features and cater to different design disciplines. Consider your needs, explore the features, and choose the free CAD software that aligns best with your design goals and budget.

Whether you are a professional designer, hobbyist, or beginner, the best free CAD programs are available to meet your needs. With continuous technological advancements, CAD software continues to evolve, providing innovative tools and features to streamline the design process and enhance creativity. Explore the available options, try different software, and find the CAD solution that empowers you to bring your design ideas to life.


Is there a cheaper alternative to AutoCAD?

Yes, there are several cheaper alternatives to AutoCAD available in the market. Some popular options include DraftSight, nanoCAD, and LibreCAD, which offer similar functionality at a lower cost.

Is there a free AutoCAD program?

No, AutoCAD itself is not available for free. However, Autodesk does offer a web-based version called AutoCAD Web App, which provides limited functionality for viewing and editing DWG files.

What is the easiest free CAD software to learn?

SketchUp Free is widely identified as one of the most manageable free CAD software choices to learn, particularly for newbies. Its web-based medium delivers a user-friendly interface that streamlines the learning technique.

Can I use CAD software for 2D drafting and design?

CAD software is universal and supports both 2D drafting and 3D design. While it's generally known for its powerful 3D abilities, CAD programs deliver extensive tools and attributes for creating precise 2D drawings.

Can I import and export files from CAD software?

CAD software generally supports importing and exporting different file formats, including famous forms like DWG, STL, STEP, and DXF files. This compatibility with other file formats authorizes seamless integration with different CAD programs, allowing smooth cooperation with customers, coworkers, and manufacturers.

Is CAD software suitable for architectural design?

Yes, CAD software delivers tools for creating precise floor plans, elevations, sections, and 3D models. CAD program often offers specific features for architectural design, such as parametric components, constructive solid geometry, building information modeling (BIM) capabilities, and material libraries.

Can I use CAD tools software for mechanical engineering?

Yes, all the CAD tools software allow mechanical engineers to create detailed 3D models of mechanical components and assemblies, perform simulations and analyses, and generate mechanical engineering drawings.

Does free CAD software require powerful hardware?

The hardware requirements vary depending on the complexity of the projects and the specific software being used. Basic 2D drafting software can run on lower-end hardware, while complex 3D modeling, simulation, and realistic 3D rendering software may require more powerful processors, graphics cards, and ample RAM.

Can I collaborate with others using CAD software?

Yes, CAD software often contains teamwork components that authorize multiple users to work simultaneously on the same project. It can involve real-time collaboration, version control, and the ability to share and comment on designs.

Is CAD software suitable for hobbyists and beginners?

Yes, these programs often have simplified interfaces, easier-to-learn tools, extensive tutorials, and community support. They provide an entry point for product designers interested in learning CAD.

Can I customize the user interface and tools in CAD software?

Many CAD programs enable users to create personalized workflows, access frequently used tools more easily, and enhance productivity.

Does CAD software require specialized training?

While CAD software can have a learning curve, many programs offer extensive documentation, tutorials, and online resources for users to learn and master the software.

Can I use CAD software for 3D printing?

Users can create or import 3D models, prepare them for 3D printing by adjusting parameters and orientations, and export them in suitable file formats (such as STL) compatible with 3D printers.

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